Tuesday, December 24, 2019

President Obamas Speech - 817 Words

We The People In President Barack Obama’s speech, he often mentioned the past history of the United States of America, starting with the founding documents of our country. The founding documents its self are the history of our country, but we looked at it in a different perspective; as it was an idea of freedom, in the term of all men are created equal. President Barack Obama is using history as a tool to links his audiences back to those timeline when our country were at war with fascism, segregation, communism and how the government and the peoples had overcome those events with strong confidence. The President uses the past history as a lesson for us to learn from; therefore we will make better history in the future. The†¦show more content†¦This significant point in history could be the greatest lesson for us to learn from when it comes to dealing with the war in Iraq. Paragraph thirty-three and thirty-four are the perfect reflection of President Obama’s utilization of history. The linkage of our dying campfires, advancing enemy, abandoned capital, snow stained with blood together form a picture of a lonely uninhabited place that today we the citizen of United States of America called home. Our country was form in a cold deadly winter. Our ancestors had suffered throughout many dark chapters in our history; the only thing that kept them going toward prosperity and freedom was hope and confidence. I think the message President Obama wants to send out by including history in his speech is that; if our ancestor had done so many significant things based on the same idea, the same founding documents, then we the People could do theShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis of President Obamas Inauguration Speech1410 Words   |  6 PagesOn January 20, 2009, President Obama was officially inaugurated and sworn in as the forty-fourth president of th e United States of America. The tradition of being inaugurated requires the president to give a speech about the goals they want to reach during their presidency. The president must make a speech that appeals to the audience while being professional. Rhetoric is a useful strategy to utilize in speech making. Obama uses rhetoric to achieve presenting his message of creating hope and changeRead MoreEssay on President Obama’s speech at the University of Hartford 1792 Words   |  8 Pages On April 8, 2013, President Barack Obama spoke at the University of Hartford on behalf of those who died in the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. President Obama addressed the people of the state of Connecticut and on a federal level. The broadcasting networks provided live coverage of President Obama’s speech, and a national audience listened as the president’s addressing the issues and the next steps forward for the country. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 51 Free Essays

â€Å"A decade. And not only is the NASA space station not yet fully operational, but the project so far has cost twenty times your bid. As an American taxpayer, I am sickened. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 51 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † A grumble of agreement circled the room. Sexton let his eyes move, reconnecting with the group. â€Å"I am well aware,† the senator said, addressing everyone now, â€Å"that several of your companies have offered to launch private space shuttles for as little as fifty million dollars per flight.† More nods. â€Å"And yet NASA undercuts you by charging only thirty-eight million dollars per flight†¦ even though their actual per flight cost is over one hundred and fifty million dollars!† â€Å"It’s how they keep us out of space,† one of the men said. â€Å"The private sector cannot possibly compete with a company that can afford to run shuttle flights at a four hundred percent loss and still stay in business.† â€Å"Nor should you have to,† Sexton said. Nods all around. Sexton turned now to the austere entrepreneur beside him, a man whose file Sexton had read with interest. Like many of the entrepreneurs funding Sexton’s campaign, this man was a former military engineer who had become disillusioned with low wages and government bureaucracy and had abandoned his military post to seek his fortune in aerospace. â€Å"Kistler Aerospace,† Sexton said, shaking his head in despair. â€Å"Your company has designed and manufactured a rocket that can launch payloads for as little as two thousand dollars per pound compared to NASA’s costs of ten thousand dollars per pound.† Sexton paused for effect. â€Å"And yet you have no clients.† â€Å"Why would I have any clients?† the man replied. â€Å"Last week NASA undercut us by charging Motorola only eight hundred and twelve dollars per pound to launch a telecomm satellite. The government launched that satellite at a nine hundred percent loss!† Sexton nodded. Taxpayers were unwittingly subsidizing an agency that was ten times less efficient than its competition. â€Å"It has become painfully clear,† he said, his voice darkening, â€Å"that NASA is working very hard to stifle competition in space. They crowd out private aerospace businesses by pricing services below market value.† â€Å"It’s the Wal-Marting of space,† the Texan said. Damn good analogy, Sexton thought. I’ll have to remember that. Wal-Mart was notorious for moving into a new territory, selling products below market value, and driving all local competition out of business. â€Å"I’m goddamned sick and tired,† the Texan said, â€Å"of having to pay millions in business taxes so Uncle Sam can use that money to steal my clients!† â€Å"I hear you,† Sexton said. â€Å"I understand.† â€Å"It’s the lack of corporate sponsorships that’s killing Rotary Rocket,† a sharply dressed man said. â€Å"The laws against sponsorship are criminal!† â€Å"I couldn’t agree more.† Sexton had been shocked to learn that another way NASA entrenched its monopoly of space was by passing federal mandates banning advertisements on space vehicles. Instead of allowing private companies to secure funding through corporate sponsorships and advertising logos-the way, for example, professional race car drivers did-space vehicles could only display the words USA and the company name. In a country that spent $185 billion a year on advertising, not one advertising dollar ever found its way into the coffers of private space companies. â€Å"It’s robbery,† one of the men snapped. â€Å"My company hopes to stay in business long enough to launch the country’s first tourist-shuttle prototype next May. We expect enormous press coverage. The Nike Corporation just offered us seven million in sponsorship dollars to paint the Nike swoosh and ‘Just do it!’ on the side of the shuttle. Pepsi offered us twice that for ‘Pepsi: The choice of a new generation.’ But according to federal law, if our shuttle displays advertising, we are prohibited from launching it!† â€Å"That’s right,† Senator Sexton said. â€Å"And if elected, I will work to abolish that antisponsorship legislation. That is a promise. Space should be open for advertising the way every square inch of earth is open to advertising.† Sexton gazed out now at his audience, his eyes locking in, his voice growing solemn. â€Å"We all need to be aware, however, that the biggest obstacle to privatization of NASA is not laws, but rather, it is public perception. Most Americans still hold a romanticized view of the American space program. They still believe NASA is a necessary government agency.† â€Å"It’s those goddamned Hollywood movies!† one man said. â€Å"How many NASA-saves-the-world-from-a-killer-asteroid movies can Hollywood make, for Christ’s sake? It’s propaganda!† The plethora of NASA movies coming out of Hollywood, Sexton knew, was simply a matter of economics. Following the wildly popular movie Top Gun-a Tom Cruise jet pilot blockbuster that played like a two-hour advertisement for the U.S. Navy-NASA realized the true potential of Hollywood as a public relations powerhouse. NASA quietly began offering film companies free filming access to all of NASA’s dramatic facilities-launchpads, mission control, training facilities. Producers, who were accustomed to paying enormous on-site licensing fees when they filmed anywhere else, jumped at the opportunity to save millions in budget costs by making NASA thrillers on â€Å"free† sets. Of course, Hollywood only got access if NASA approved the script. â€Å"Public brainwashing,† a Hispanic grunted. â€Å"The movies aren’t half as bad as the publicity stunts. Sending a senior citizen into space? And now NASA is planning an all-female shuttle crew? All for publicity!† Sexton sighed, his tone turning tragic. â€Å"True, and I know I don’t have to remind you what happened back in the eighties when the Department of Education was bankrupt and cited NASA as wasting millions that could be spent on education. NASA devised a PR stunt to prove NASA was education-friendly. They sent a public school teacher into space.† Sexton paused. â€Å"You all remember Christa McAuliffe.† The room fell silent. â€Å"Gentlemen,† Sexton said, stopping dramatically in front of the fire. â€Å"I believe it is time Americans understood the truth, for the good of all of our futures. It’s time Americans understand that NASA is not leading us skyward, but rather is stifling space exploration. Space is no different than any other industry, and keeping the private sector grounded verges on a criminal act. Consider the computer industry, in which we see such an explosion of progress that we can barely keep up from week to week! Why? Because the computer industry is a free-market system: It rewards efficiency and vision with profits. Imagine if the computer industry were government-run? We would still be in the dark ages. We’re stagnating in space. We should put space exploration into the hands of the private sector where it belongs. Americans would be stunned by the growth, jobs, and realized dreams. I believe we should let the free-market system spur us to new heights in space. If elected, I will make it my personal mission to unlock the doors to the final frontier and let them swing wide open.† Sexton lifted his snifter of cognac. â€Å"My friends, you came here tonight to decide if I am someone worthy of your trust. I hope I am on the way to earning it. In the same way it takes investors to build a company, it takes investors to build a presidency. In the same way corporate stockholders expect returns, you as political investors expect returns. My message to you tonight is simple: Invest in me, and I will never forget you. Ever. Our missions are one and the same.† Sexton extended his glass toward them in a toast. â€Å"With your help, my friends, soon I will be in the White House†¦ and you will all be launching your dreams.† How to cite Deception Point Page 51, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Leadership and Nursing Care Management †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Nursing Care Management. Answer: Introduction: Nursing is a profession which requires a lot of resilience and endurance. During the course of training, a student has to learn lots of skills are designed to help in delivering quality care and managing the day-to-day challenges experienced in the course of nursing practice (Diane, 2013). In this paper, I would like to apply Gibbs Reflection Cycle to present a critical reflection of an incident in which I was personally involved. On this day, I was assigned to attend to the patients at the CPU ward. A conflict occurred because the Registered Nurse (RN) who was in charge of me had to yell at me in front of the patient. He rebuked me for displaying incompetence and poorly-assessing the patients who had been assigned to me. This was quite embarrassing because as professionals, we need to establish a good working relationship at all times. As a student-nurse, I have a feeling that what happened is uncalled for. It was really embarrassing for the RN who was supposed to act as my mentor to resort to shaming me and openly declaring her hatred against me. It was morally wrong for the RN to yell at me before my patients. I have a feeling that the RN did a very big mistake because she failed to consider the implications of her arrogance (Cunha, Monteiro Lourenco, 2016). Patients are very sensitive people who should not be exposed to such negative comments. I know that the relationship between me and the RN should be a cordial one. At no one time should we engage in such unnecessary conflicts. In my evaluation, I would like to emphasize that a conflict is an inevitable occurrence in the workplace. In any place where human beings are involved, there must be social problems. In a nursing setting like this one, practitioners have to disagree because of the different views and opinions held by each and everyone (Porat, Halperin Tamir, 2016). I condemn the RN for yelling to me because she was not supposed to do it. Even if I did a mistake, I was not supposed to be harassed and embossed before my patients (Bylund, Peterson Cameron, 2012). The RN should acknowledge that she is a mentor who is not supposed to yell at the student, but provide the necessary support whenever it is needed. Yelling to a student-nurse in front of a patient can be so disastrous because it negatively impacts on the performance of the student. I would like to apply Gibbs analysis strategies to say that the relationship between a RN and a student-nurse should always be a cohesive one. At no one time should a RN allow a conflict to hinder the delivery of healthcare services to the patient. The effects of the conflict are that it will make the patient to lose faith in the healthcare services provided at the facility (Godiwalla, 2016). It will affect the organization on long term basis because it will damage its reputation. The student-nurse is an inexperienced professional who entirely relies on the support of the RN to learn how to handle patients. Hospitals are public facilities which serve a wide range of patients each of which having specific and unique needs to meet (Safi Kolahi, 2016). Therefore, it might be challenging for the student-nurse to cope up with the pressure and adequately satisfy the needs of all clients. This is why I conclude by saying that the RN erred because she acted unprofessionally. Since what happened did not please me, it is my responsibility to come up with an action plan. According to Gibbs, an action plan is important because it can enable me to improve on my weak areas by making the necessary adjustments. Therefore, if I find myself n such a situation, I will make a number of improvements. First and foremost, I will engage the RN on a one-on-one dialogue to let her know that what she did to me was wrong because it painted me and the hospital in a bad shape. I would use the opportunity to appeal to the RN to establish a good rapport with the student-nurses because she is a mentor and should be diligent in her duties (Arnold Boggs, 2015). Besides, I will have to report the RN to the management to take the necessary action against her. By reporting the matter to the authorities, I will be doing a good thing because RN will have to be compelled to be responsible and accountable for all her actions. All these strategies will enable me to amicably resolve such conflicts and ultimately prevent them from recurring. References Arnold, E.C. Boggs, K.U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences. Bylund, C.L., Peterson, E.B. Cameron, K.A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient education and counseling, 87(3), pp.261-267. Cunha, P., Monteiro, A. P., Lourenco, A.A. (2016). School Climate and Conflict Management Tactics-A Quantitative Study with Portuguese Students. REVISTA CES PSICOLOGIA, 9(2), 1-11. Diane, L.H. (2013). Leadership Nursing Care Management 5th Ed. New York: Saunders Publishers. Godiwalla, Y.H. (2016). Conflict Management Strategies in Global Firms. Journal of Management, 17(2), 11. Porat, R., Halperin, E., Tamir, M. (2016). What we want is what we get: Group-based emotional preferences and conflict resolution. Journal of personality and social psychology, 110(2), 167. Safi, M.H., Kolahi, A.A. (2016). The Relationship between Job Satisfaction with Burnout and Conflict Management Styles in Employees. Community Health, 2(4), 266-274.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nature and Scope of Earth Science free essay sample

Some also use their knowledge about Earth processes such as volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes to plan communities that will not expose people to these angerous events. Earth science is also known as the Geosciences, the Geosciences or Earth sciences. It is arguably a special case in planetary science, the Earth being the only life-bearing planet. There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth sciences. The formal discipline of Earth science may include the study of the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere as well as the solid earth. Typically, Earth scientists will use tools from physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics to build a quantitative understanding of how the earth system works and how it evolved to its urrent state. Like all other scientists, Earth scientists apply the scientific method: Problem statement, Review literature, Formulate hypothesis after observation of and gathering data about natural phenomena and then test these hypotheses. Finally, there is the need for one to publish and explain the research in the scientific community. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature and Scope of Earth Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It must however be pointed out that Earth science is inter-disciplined†it cuts across all sciences and study fields. Science in the broadest sense refers to any systematic methodology which attempts to collect accurate information about the hared reality and to model this in a way which can be used to make reliable, concrete and quantitative predictions about events in line with hypotheses proven by experiment. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. The scope of science, therefore, is knowledge through reason†and the scope of Earth science is knowledge of the Earth systems through the study of combined science. Knowledge is, therefore, borrowed rom other disciplines such as Geology, which is the study of the earth surface(rocks) and interior; Astronomy, the study of the universe that the Erath is a part of; Meteorology, the study of the weather and Earths atmosphere and Oceanography, the study of the Earths oceans(the four Earth sciences). Geology is the primary Earth science. Literarily, it means the study of the Earth. Geology deals with the composition of earth materials, earth structures and earth processes. It is also time. Geologists search for fuels and minerals, study natural hazards and work to protect earths environment. Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine earths weather and climate. Since everyone is concerned about the weather, it can be considered very practical. For instance, how climate changes over time in response to the actions of people is a topic of urgent worldwide concern. Oceanography is the study of the Earths oceans†their composition, movement, organisms and processes. The oceans cover a greater part of the planet. The oceans have a major influence on the weather and changes in the oceans can drive or moderate climate change. Oceanographers work to develop the ocean as a resource and protect it from negative human impact. Astronomy is the study of the universe. Studying space beyond dearth is important since the moon derives the oceans tidal system, asteroids impacts have repeatedly devastated Earths inhabitants and energy from the sun drives our weather and climate. When talking about the nature and scope of Earth Science, it is also necessary to talk about its importance. Today, we live in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants face many challenges. Our climate is changing and that change is being caused by human activity. Earth scientists recognize this problem and will play a key role in efforts to resolve it. Again, we are also challenged to develop new sources of energy that will have minimal negative impact on climate; locate new sources of metals and other mineral resources as known sources are depleted. In a nutshell, the scope of Earth science is knowledge of the earth systems through the study of combined science which also looks at data collection and research woks and the subject being inter- disciplined. References: 1 . www. geology. com/body. htm 2. www. wcbp. com/geology/conte 3. Earth Science, An Integrated Perspective, Conte, Thompson and Moses

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

of nursery songs learned in early childhood. Like these rhymes and melodies, they remain in the memory and accompany us through life. There are two reasons for the popularity and significance of Longfellow's poetry. First, he had the gift of easy rhyme. He wrote poetry as a bird sings, with natural grace and melody. Read or heard once or twice, his rhyme and meters cling to the mind long after the sense may be forgotten. Second, Longfellow wrote on obvious themes which appeal to all kinds of people. His poems are easily understood; they sing their way into the consciousness of those who read them. Above all, there is a joyousness in them, a spirit of optimism and faith in the goodness of life which evokes immediate response in the emotions of his readers. Americans owe a great debt to Longfellow because he was among the first of American writers to use native themes. He wrote about the American scene and landscape, the American Indian ('Song of Hiawatha'), and American history and tradition ('The Courtship of Miles Standish', 'Evangeline'). At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned. The people of America had spent their years and their energies in carving a habitation out of the wilderness and in fighting for independence. Literature, art, and music came mainly from Europe and especially from England. Nothing was considered worthy of attention unless it came from Europe. But "the flowering of New England," as Van Wyck Brooks terms the period from 1815 to 1865, took place in Longfellow's day, and he made a great contribution to it. He lived when giants walked the New England earth, giants of intellect and feeling who established the New Land as a source of greatness. Nathaniel Hawthorne,... Free Essays on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Free Essays on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Probably the best loved of American poets the world over is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Many of his lines are as familiar to us as rhymes from Mother Goose or the words of nursery songs learned in early childhood. Like these rhymes and melodies, they remain in the memory and accompany us through life. There are two reasons for the popularity and significance of Longfellow's poetry. First, he had the gift of easy rhyme. He wrote poetry as a bird sings, with natural grace and melody. Read or heard once or twice, his rhyme and meters cling to the mind long after the sense may be forgotten. Second, Longfellow wrote on obvious themes which appeal to all kinds of people. His poems are easily understood; they sing their way into the consciousness of those who read them. Above all, there is a joyousness in them, a spirit of optimism and faith in the goodness of life which evokes immediate response in the emotions of his readers. Americans owe a great debt to Longfellow because he was among the first of American writers to use native themes. He wrote about the American scene and landscape, the American Indian ('Song of Hiawatha'), and American history and tradition ('The Courtship of Miles Standish', 'Evangeline'). At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned. The people of America had spent their years and their energies in carving a habitation out of the wilderness and in fighting for independence. Literature, art, and music came mainly from Europe and especially from England. Nothing was considered worthy of attention unless it came from Europe. But "the flowering of New England," as Van Wyck Brooks terms the period from 1815 to 1865, took place in Longfellow's day, and he made a great contribution to it. He lived when giants walked the New England earth, giants of intellect and feeling who established the New Land as a source of greatness. Nathaniel Hawthorne,...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learning the Basic Steps of MySQL

Learning the Basic Steps of MySQL New website owners often stumble at the mention of database management, not realizing how much a database can enhance a  website experience. A database is just  an organized and structured collection of data.   MySQL is a free open source SQL database management system. When you understand MySQL, you can use it to store content for your website and access that content directly using PHP. You dont even need to know SQL to communicate with MySQL. You just need to know how to operate the software that your web host provides. In most cases that is phpMyAdmin. Before You Begin Experienced programmers might choose to manage data  by using the SQL code directly either through a shell prompt or through some sort of a query window. New users are better off learning how to use phpMyAdmin. It is the most popular MySQL management program, and almost all web hosts have it installed for you to use. Contact your host to find out where and how you can access it. You need to know your MySQL login before you begin.   Create a Database The first thing you need to do is create a database. Once that is done, you can start adding information. To create a database in phpMyAdmin: Log in to your account at your web hosting site.Locate and click the phpMyAdmin icon and log in. It will be in your websites root folder.Look for Create New Database on the screen.Enter the database name in the field provided and  click Create.   If the create database feature is disabled, contact your host to create a new database. You must have permission  to create new databases. After you create the database, you are taken to a screen where you can enter tables. Creating Tables In the database, you can have many tables, and each table is a grid with information held in  cells on the grid. You need to create at least one table to hold data in your database. In the area labeled Create new table on database [your_database_name], enter a name (for example: address_book) and type a number in the Fields cell. Fields are columns that hold information. In the address_book example, these fields hold first name, last name, street address and so on. If you know the number of fields you need, enter it. Otherwise, just enter a default number 4. You can change the number of fields later. Click Go. In the next screen, enter a descriptive name for each field and select a data type for each field. Text and number are the two most popular types. The Data Now that you have created a database, you can enter data directly into the fields using phpMyAdmin. Data in a table can be managed in many ways. A tutorial on ways to  add, edit, delete, and search the information in your database  gets you started.   Get Relational The great thing about MySQL is that it is a relational database. This means the data from one of your tables can be used in conjunction with data on another table as long as they have one field in common. This is called a Join, and you can learn how to do it in this  MySQL Joins tutorial. Working From PHP Once you get the hang of using  SQL to work with your database, you can use SQL from PHP files on your website. This allows your website to store all its content in your database and access it dynamically as needed by each page or each visitors request.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nuero physiotherapy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nuero physiotherapy - Assignment Example Stroke is known to be one of the worst causes of disability and death all over the world. Ischemic stroke contributes to more than 87 percent of all the strokes (Amarenco et al. 2012). Stroke easily leads older people to death within a very short time; research shows that 8 to 12 percent of adults aged between 45 and 64 years die within 30 days of transient ischemic attack. George’s case is a perfect description of an adult who has suffered a stroke that has lasted for more than one hour without medical attention. The amount of time that the patient lasted without medical attention may have been more than one hour since the only person who could have helped him had been away for most part of the day. Various things occur to patients who suffer ischemic stroke within the first hour leading to neurological problems and even death. During the first hour, a section of the brain usually faces threats of death. The infarct core might be highly ischemic and may certainly die, but tissue with a shortfall of blood provision is also poised on a knife-edge between recovery and death. At this state, metabolic factors and hemodynamics are essential (Bath & Lees 2000). Clinical symptoms exhibited by George are due to a stroke that he has undergone. It is more likely that he suffered from ischemia, which causes more than 85% of strokes, or hemorrhage, which accounts for the remaining 15%, after diagnosis rules out subarachnoid hemorrhage. Hemorrhage leads to direct neuronal injury and adjacent ischemia due to the pressure effect it develops. Primary ischemia occurs because of an embolism or atherothrombotic occlusion. The normal sources of embolism in an individual are the left atrium in cases where there is atrial fibrillation or left ventricle in cases where there is heart failure or myocardial infarction. Occlusion of vessels occurs because of atherosclerosis, in the internal parts of the carotid artery, which is simply next to the carotid bifurcation,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Connection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Connection paper - Essay Example For King, his imprisonment became the very reason why he wrote his letter while Thoreau’s imprisonment in a way influenced his perceptions and understanding as well as his courage to express his arguments in his article. The two are principled men who did their best to stand on what they believed in even in the midst of chaos. They both present their discourse on the basis of reason, using quotations from the Bible and well-respected men; seek to be understood, appealing to sense and sensibility of the people concerned who are politicians, Whites, Blacks, and Clergymen as well as discuss just laws, unjust laws, eternal and natural laws. Firstly, the aforementioned freedom fighters reflect in their written works of their influence from the Bible. As a clergyman, it was natural for King to mention God and the Bible but he emphasized how men should work with God to accomplish His purposes here on earth. Despite his co-clergymen’s discourse that the social issues King is fi ghting for are issues that the gospel has no real concern for, he argues that â€Å"human progress comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co-workers with God†. ... Such quotations show how Thoreau uses information from the Bible to reflect on the circumstances he is facing. To make their arguments even stronger, the two authors named and quoted other philosophers such as Socrates, St. Augustine, Martin Buber, Confucius and Paley. King claims that he does not seek to go against government while Thoreau stands on the other side of the balance and they both are expressed the reason for their actions. King debated that he and his colleagues have brought their concern to the people in authority for it to be resolved. However, their pleas for equality and just treatment have been disregarded so that they had to resort to taking action. He presented how they have acted with all the discretion in accordance to the circumstances in Birmingham and explained how they finally have to â€Å"create constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth†. Similarly, Thoreau accounts that he is not a man who is violent in expressing himself but, he â€Å"quietly declares war with the State†, speaking about his reactions to the demands for him to pay â€Å"a certain sum toward the support of a clergyman†. Using the quotations and philosophers mentioned above, the two writers presented their reasonable actions. They effectively explained the principles on which they stand on and tried to persuade their audience using intellectual arguments instead of the violence that they have been perceived to hold. King and Thoreau believe in the existence of unjust laws. King defines and contrasts just and unjust laws to make clear his understanding of the subject. He quotes St. Augustine saying â€Å"an unjust law is no

Saturday, November 16, 2019

My favourite subject Essay Example for Free

My favourite subject Essay My favourite subject in school is English. It is quite easy and pleasant to study it. English is used in each field of life and it is useful to know it. Most of web sides are in English. It is nice to be able to use such a sides like yahoo, msn and english Wikipedia. I can get a lot of information and news, which are not available on polish sides. Next plus: I can use english books and magazines. Sometimes I like to download e-books and magazines in pdf. It is effectively way to study English in home. Using English I can communicate with many peoples. I can use Skype and ICQ to talk and chat and get new contacts. I can use many applications and play games. I have used Windows XP and Office for two months and it was quite easy. Most of movies are in English. I like to watch them without subtitles. If I can I always switch the polish dubbing off ? I hate it. The last advantage to know English is I can talk with all people talking English. This holidays when I was in Gdańsk somebody asked all people: Do you speak English Everybody talked No and Nie wiem o co chodzi. When she came to me and asked the question Do you speak English I could say ?Yes, how can I help you She told ?How can I get to the bus station I told ?Can you see this building? The station is behind it. Please go this way?. She smiled to me and walked away. I was happy that I could help. As you can see English is useful in life. All of us study it in everyday situations and activities. The language is quite simple and logic. I use it all the time. This is why I like English and it is my favourite subject in school.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Health Care Reform: Losing More Than You Think Essay -- Health Care

President Obama has made healthcare reform a priority since the beginning of his presidency. Obama wants to implement a system similar to Medicare. As defined by Dictionary.com Medicare is: â€Å"a U.S. government program of hospitalization insurance and voluntary medical insurance for persons aged 65 and over and for certain disabled persons under 65†. This government based health insurance would still allow private insurance companies to stay in business. Another way Obama wants to change the health insurance companies is to expand coverage and improve the care given. What this means is people with cancer could possibly get health insurance in a case where no one else would cover them. This will also help to lower insurance plan costs. There are pros and cons to Obamas healthcare plan, but it might not be worth the cost or the problems to try and enact it. Under the government plan, businesses would be required to pay a fee for subsidizing insurance, or they would be required to supply mandatory healthcare for employees. If mandatory healthcare laws were required, it would raise the cost of hiring new employees and would possibly limit employers from hiring new prospects. Every American would be required to buy insurance based on the government’s idea of â€Å"acceptable insurance.† Even if people were happy with their current insurance, they could be forced to change policies if their current insurance policies do not meet the government’s â€Å"acceptable† standards. This could put Medicare in competition with private insurance companies. People would be able to choose taxpayer-subsidized plans or private insurance, but subsidies and cost-shifting would make the government plans ultimately have more appeal. Through government research st... ...people will suffer the consequences of an inferior health system if the government enacts Obamas proposed healthcare system. Works Cited Coffin, Bill. "Bad Medicine." National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services 115.4 (2011): 16. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. Jeffrey B. English, M.D. "2011: Health Insurance Increases, Obamacare Responsible." Basil & Spice 14 Sept. 2010: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. "Medicare." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 08 Apr. 2012. . "Mitt Romney Says 'Flawed' Obamacare Should Be Rejected. (Cover Story)." Human Events 65.28 (2009): 1. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. Tanner, Michael. "OBAMACARE: Seven Bad Ideas For Health Care Reform." USA Today Magazine 138.2770 (2009): 14. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 25 Mar. 2012.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Case study Partnership Principles

Early on childhood instruction plays a critical function as it is the first measure to further physical and cognitive competency in bend to act upon a individual ‘s womb-to-tomb acquisition and accomplishment. To work as a successful early childhood pedagogue, empathy and an apprehension of the early childhood course of study – Te Whariki is requested. Along with this ordinance, an effectual partnership between pedagogues and whanau has appeared as an indispensable and valued assistance to accomplish the mark successfully – to achieve a quality accomplishment for kids ‘s acquisition and development. Harmonizing to this, the importance of partnership in the context of early childhood service and its cardinal constituents to implement will be discussed in this essay. Definition of teacher-parents ( whanau ) partnership The term ‘partnership ‘ is used to depict a mutual relationship between two parties who collaborate on a joint activity or undertaking. With different valued beliefs which may happen in the procedure of coaction, instructors and whana, in this partnership, complement each other in assorted learning attacks to advance a valuable and choice early childhood instruction service for kids. Similarly, the impression of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which states about partnership between people who from different cultural backgrounds, Maori and pakeha, to â€Å" mahi tahi – work together † ( Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, 1992. ) in any fortunes. For this ground, in Aotearoa/ New Zealand, the early childhood course of study – Tellurium Whariki have employed the impression of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and suggested in its bicultural attacks for an equal and respectable attitude in learning attacks. Effective partnership and cardinal constituents Teachers ‘ attitude in a partnership with whanau and the scene of teaching method are influential to win the early childhood service ( Lindon, 1997 ) . As Stonehouse ( 1994 ) insisted, â€Å" unless staff in kids ‘s services give precedence to relationships with parents, they do non assist kids † ( p55 ) . Along with the Guiding Principles of Quality in Action, it has besides mentioned directors and instructors should work together â€Å" by admiting parents as first pedagogues and by working collaboratively to develop shared ends and outlooks † ( Ministry of Education,1998, p. 14 ) . Therefore, coaction with parents/whanau in the context of early childhood Centre is one of major appraisal for all pedagogues while promote the lovingness service. In short, a figure of cardinal constituents to accomplish effectual partnership are listed as mentions: Empowerment & A ; Involvement Harmonizing to ‘Family and Community ‘ , a rule in Te Whariki, instructors should admit that the engagement of whanau in their instruction attacks is indispensable – â€Å" Families should be portion of the appraisal and rating of the course of study † ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 30 ) . Likewise, in order to â€Å" authorise parents/whanau to recommend their kids and do determinations or to act upon the patterns † for their kids ‘s ain goods ( Keesing Styles, 2000 ) , an appropriate teaching method demands to be settled. For illustration, plan a programme for parents/whanau to construct a household portfolio with their kids. These attacks are to promote whanau to analyze Centre ‘s policies and teaching method by take parting their ain kids ‘s acquisition and development procedure. A positive respect and trust between whanau and instructors will be formed whithin the procedure. Communication â€Å" Communication must be meaningful and effectual as it is communicating that forms the footing of partnership † ( as cited in Grey & A ; Horgan, 2003, para 18 ) . Inviting whanau to fall in regular meeting â€Å" to discourse their kid ‘s learning advancement, involvements, abilities and countries for development on a regular footing, sharing specific observation-based grounds † ( Ministry of Education,1998, p. 55 ) can be a proper channel for an effectual communicating. Manager and pedagogues should guarantee the communicating with parents/whanau are continued and in two-way. The intent in this attack is for interchanging positions and back uping the single demands. It is besides a scheme to further parents ‘ assurance in the context of early childhood service and increase the chance to better learning attacks by geting their important advices. In add-on, a positive attitude to accept and esteem different ideas or peculiar questions is indispensable. Consultation â€Å" Parental apprehensions and outlooks will change kids ‘s outlooks of themselves † ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 30 ) . â€Å" Consultation is the procedure of garnering information to accomplish shared apprehensions, ends, and outlooks that will inform determination devising † ( Ministry of Education,1998, p 51 ) . A statement of doctrine is an illustration to show Centre ‘s cardinal beliefs, vision, values and Centre ‘s instruction. This attack will derive the trust and support from parents/whanau. Decision â€Å" Partnership between parents and professionals is regarded as the â€Å" integrating of different wisdoms † ( as cited in Grey & A ; Horgan, 2003, para 16 ) . Contribution from partnership between parents and instructors is valuable in the context of early childhood instruction service as it may act upon the consequence of kids ‘s acquisition and development. In the decision, the authorization and engagement of parents/whanau and appropriate communication and confer withing channels from instructors can assist to build a echt partnership to win the end for a quality service of kids ‘s acquisition and development. However, an effectual partnership may hold trouble to keep, for case, hard personality or unacceptable belief, which may ensue from how an pedagogue perceives him/herself in function of the instruction and how they encourage parents/whanau to step on this partnership. Effective Partnership In Action Introduction To build an effectual partnership with parents/whanau is more hard than holding a pleasant relationship with kids. The ground what I observed is grownups have complex ideas which acquired from the experiences of societal world for protecting themselves from selfishness and injuries. In a relationship of partnership, when differences of personality, belief or value come out, they mislead the determination and neglect to make the end. Unfortunately, this state of affairs go on easy and it ever necessitate a long clip solve and keep the relationship in stable because we are grownups who might come from unexpected background as we need to cognize each other first so acquire into deeper relationship to join forces with. To be a negotiable individual and acquiring effectual communicating accomplishment with an opened-mind will advance quality partnership relationship in this instance. Furthermore, a positive attitude of trust and regard is a cardinal constituent to build an effectual partn ership. As an early childhood instructor, there is a necessary to hold a self-awareness, to accept single differences, to be courageous plenty for challenges and the ability of job work outing since they all count as factors of accomplishment of partnership. In short, to larn to build effectual partnership with parents/whanau, we need more hand-on experience to grok the rule and detect the grade of understanding while using our cognition into pattern. It is an outlook for my acquisition for become a professional in early childhood instruction service. Personal instance survey My brother has a boy named Alvin. He is 16-month old. We live together and I help to look after small Alvin in my trim clip while the parents are busy. Alvin has a strong fond regard with me as I had proven from his actions. He normally becomes exciting when he seeing me around and so be given to run towards me for a large clinch even his parents are playing with him. From my observing, his parents have their ain attacks to raise their ain kid which some of them are against mine. They have pride and have no willing to portion the experiences of Alvin ‘s lovingness to others. In effect, Alvin have had a cautious lovingness from them, for illustration, no outdoor walk without places, no H2O playing and has no much chance to larn to eat by himself as I think he is large plenty to make those in his age. In fact, he is already a 16kg – 70cm fittingness male child and he understands our words most of clip. My teaching method encouraged him to research and meet his milieus safe ly through our interaction. This could be the ground he has strong fond regard to me and intend to listen what I say when he has emotional upset instead than his male parent. In this state of affairs, I feel abashed and fighting in my brother ‘s green-eyed monster and a tense relationship with my sister-in-law. They had complain my action is about to replace their function as kid ‘s ain parents. It sounds a large job in our relationship. Interpersonal communicating schemes I think our relationship is form as a ‘partnership ‘ relationship as I am insouciant carer of Alvin and they are parents. Through our reading stuff for partnership rule and some advises from instructors who are working in my support Centre. I had thought about my job which leads the tenseness between me and Alvin ‘s parents need to be solved by my attitude with communicating scheme. My apprehension from the rule of partnership and Te Whariki acknowledged that I had break the regulation of 'empowerment ‘ which insists the mandate of parents ‘ right and to authorise parents to do determination for their kid ‘s ain goods ( Keesing Styles, 2000 ) . Therefore, I could non derive the regard and trust from my brother or my sister-in-law in this partnership, alternatively, a negative feedback came. Listed some good illustrations from Quality in Action. They are utile assistance to work out my job in this cautiousness partnership and it works good in my pat tern. Provide chances for parents/whanau to discourse their kid ‘s larning â€Å" procedure, involvements, abilities and countries for development and sharing specific observation † ; â€Å" Acknowledge the rights of all parents/whanau and their aspirations for their kids † ; â€Å" Listen, value and esteem the positions of parents/whanau † ; â€Å" Invite and empower parents/whanau to lend through their engagement † in the synergistic activity ; â€Å" Consult † and discourse â€Å" with parents/whanau about learning attacks that concern their kids † ; Make parents/whanau feel comfy â€Å" to show their concerns † ; Less the fond regard with kids and promote them to interact with parents and concentrate on their relationship ; In order to delight our relationship from this state of affairs I had explained. I applied the above attacks and communicating accomplishments learned from reading and advises from instructors of support Centre into pattern. As the consequence, trust and regard from Alvin ‘s parents have dismissed my concerns from our tense relationship. I move Alvin ‘s attending back to his parents by promote his trust to his parents when we are all in the same room. For illustration, ‘please listen to what mum/dad said and Dendranthema grandifloruom can assist him ‘ ; or ‘yes, mum/dad is right, why do n't you travel with them and look into what will go on? It must be good. ‘ In those interaction, There are some suggestion that I gave as deductions to avoid a misinterpretation for taking off parents ‘ power from Alvin ‘s lovingness. For illustration, I asked for parents ‘ permission and their willing before I gave Alvin something else that they h ave non provided yet. It besides comforted me that we could hold chances to play hide-and-seek with parents ‘ engagement and work together with the same purpose – do Alvin happy. Decision In decision, I am larning to supply a quality lovingness to my nephew through playing and larning from grownups without confounding which side is right or incorrect. The partnership between me and Alvin ‘s parents is building positively in advancement. I had recognized the importance of partnership in child care service as we can back up each other ‘s clip, ability and intelligence as complementation to accomplish our common end for kids ‘s demands. As from my experiences, my communicating accomplishment and attitude with parents, who are besides relation of mine, shall acquire more betterment as I do hold a willing to go a professional and work in the context of early childhood instruction service. I will ne'er halt learn or halt my patterns. It is besides fortunate to hold this experience at place that I could larn from it before I may run into the same state of affairs at workplace.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Jenny: A Character Analysis Essay

INTRODUCTION This paper is a two-part personality analysis of Jenny’s character in the movie Forrest Gump. Jenny is the lead character’s childhood friend who, as a child, is sexually and physically abused by her own father and, as a young adult, gets into drug addiction and attempts suicide, and eventually succumbs to an early death, leaving behind Forrest and their only son. Section I looks at Jenny from the points of view of Social Cognitive and Psychodynamic theories. Section II is an in-depth analysis of Jenny’s personality using Social Cognitive Theory.    Section I:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Character Personality Matrix Theory Major Components Structure Process Growth and Development Psychopathology Change    Social Cognitive Theory    Jenny has a talent in singing but has poor self-perception, low self-efficacy and does not have goals.    Jenny lacks self-regulation.       Jenny has a mal-adaptive personality which is a result of her low self-efficacy. She could have learned her anti-social or maladaptive behavior (drug use, being associated with anti-social peers, and suicidal tendencies, among others) through observation from models as well as through direct experience. She was brought up by an abusive father, she has witnessed aggression (she was present when Forrest was bullied by the kids at school) and, as a grown-up, been a direct recipient of an aggressive behavior (she was hit in the face by her boyfriend in the Blank Panther party).       Jenny’s maladaptive behavior is a result of dysfunctional learning — she has observed and directly experienced inadequate or sick models (his father and his peers) — and maintained this kind of learning through reinforcement. She seems to have a phobia in relationship, that’s why she keeps running from Forrest who loves her and whom she professes to love.    Jenny shows a remarkably altered behavior toward the end of the movie — the result of her acquiring new thought patterns and behavior, and improved self-efficacy. Psychodynamic Theory Jenny has a weakened ego caused by an internal conflict. Jenny is suffering from anxiety caused by earlier trauma (her traumatic experience with her father, and even her experience of witnessing traumatic events happen to Forrest). Jenny is living in a distorted reality. She has learned to repress her emotions. She may also be living in denial of her traumatic past. Jenny’s maladaptive behavior from young adulthood and into adulthood are mainly caused by her traumatic experiences when she was a young girl (that is, the physical and sexual abuse she received from her father). Jenny exhibits a conflict of wishes and fears. She has carried over into adulthood her childhood wishes and dreams. Jenny’s altered behavior toward the end of the movie may be the result of undergoing cathartic hypnosis or free-association method.    Section II:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Application of Personality Theory    Theory Description and Rationale Social cognitive theory is a personality theory proposed by Albert Bandura and Richard Walters in 1963. Taking its roots from the social learning theory proposed by Neal Miller and John Dollard in 1941, it views people as â€Å"neither driven by inner forces nor automatically shaped and controlled by external stimuli†¦ [but are] active agents who exercise some influence over their own motivation and actions,† (Bandura, 1986, p. 18, 225). It views people as â€Å"self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting and self-regulating rather than as reactive organisms shaped and shepherded by environmental forces or driven by concealed inner impulses,† and human processes as â€Å"the product of a dynamic interplay of personal, behavioral, and environmental influences,† (Fajares, 2002). What’s good about the theory is that it takes into account the individual’s beliefs and expectations. It emphasizes that although reinforcement and punishment affect motivation, they do not directly cause behavior. According to the theory, the beliefs that people have about themselves are critical in their response to situations. People are both products and producers of their own environments and of their social systems, and, though they are influenced by their environment, their interpretations of their situations greatly shape their behavior. Humans, in the view of the theory, posses intricate capabilities that define what it is to be human. They can symbolize and deduct meanings from symbols, learn, self-regulate, and self-reflect, among other things, and these capabilities help them define their own personality (Fajares, 2002). According to the theory, modeling, which can be direct (from live models), symbolic (from books, movies, and television), or synthesized (combining the acts of different models), lies at the core of social cognitive theory. Modeling can cause new behaviors, facilitate existing behaviors, change inhibitions, and arouse emotions (Pervin, 1989). The choice of the social cognitive theory to analyze the character of Jenny in the movie, Forrest Gump is mainly due to the author’s perception of the theory as the most comprehensive of all the personality theories, and hence, the most fitting to analyze the character in question. The theory takes into consideration factors that behavioral and cognitive theories dismiss. It can also clearly explain things that the other theories cannot explain, as it does not have as many limitations as the other personality theories. Character Description From the view of the social cognitive theory, Jenny is a talented woman, but has poor self-perception and low self-efficacy. This means that she most likely thinks of herself as incapable of coping with situations. Likewise, Jenny has poor self-regulation and is without goals. This means that she does not have a guide that will help her to establish her priorities, and is more likely incapable of regulating her own behavior. Having directly experienced physical and sexual abuse from her father as a child, and having lived in an environment that tolerates maladaptive behavior as a young adult, Jenny eventually exhibited maladaptive behavior herself as a result of the interplay of her environment and her poor self-perception, self-efficacy and self-regulation. It is also a result of her dysfunctional self-conception and expectations. Towards the end of the movie, we see an altered Jenny. She is more mature in appearance and in the way she carries herself. She is shown performing a normal job (a waitress) and finds it easier to talk to Forrest about why she keeps running away from him. From the point of view of the social cognitive theory, this improvement in her behavior is a result of an improved self-efficacy and the acquisition of new thought pattern and behavior. From the point of view of the psychodynamic theory, Jenny may be described as one who has a weakened ego due to her internal conflicts, which is brought about by her traumatic experiences in the hands of her father when she was a child. She has carried into adulthood the memories of the traumatic experiences of her childhood, albeit in a repressed manner. She may not be conscious of the underlying problems in her personality, but it is shown in the way she keeps running away from Forrest whom she says she loves, and as manifested by her involvements with drugs and her having suicidal tendencies, among others. The altered Jenny that we see in the movie may have been the result of undergoing cathartic hypnosis or free-association method. She could have finally discovered and resolved her inner conflicts and set free her repressed memories. Character analysis Structure    The character of Jenny in the movie has a talent in singing. In fact, her dream is to become a professional singer. As a young kid, Jenny showed ability to relate with another person on a personal level; she and Forrest taught each other some tricks. She also showed the ability to encourage others to overcome their fears; she urged Forrest to climb tree, shouting, â€Å"Come on Forrest, you can do it!† from the tree top. However, even as a kid, she already seemed to have escapist tendencies: she is seen running away from her father, and praying to God: â€Å"Dear God, make me a bird, so I can run far, far away from here† (Tishe, Finerman, & Zemeckis, 1994). She also urges Forrest to run away and to run fast whenever she sees her friend being bullied. She shouts: â€Å"Run Forrest, run!† Many years later, when Forrest was assigned to Vietnam, she would advise him not to try to be brave but to run away from trouble, fast. But while her friend’s Forrest’s runs are in the literal sense, Jenny’s is both in the literal and in the figurative senses. She did a lot of running, but not away from trouble, but towards it, and away from the person she loves — Forrest. Viewed from the structure of her personality through the lens of social cognitive theory, Jenny appears to have poor self-perception, as manifested when, as an answer to Forrest’s question as to why she wouldn’tt marry him, she says it is Forrest who would not want to marry her (implying that Forrest deserves someone better than her) and, again, when she gives Forrest her being screwed up as the reason for her running away from him. She tells him when she explained for the first time why she kept going out of his sight: â€Å"I was just messed up† (Tishe, Finerman, & Zemeckis, 1994). Jenny likewise has a poor self-efficacy. According to Bandura (1986) in Pajares (2002), self efficacy is the perceived ability to cope with specific situations. It is the people’s â€Å"judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances.† Having a poor self-efficacy hindered Jenny from achieving her dream of becoming a famous singer because self-efficacy is the very basis of motivation. People with poor efficacy tend to avoid activities that they perceive to be beyond their capabilities, may not put much effort to achieve their dreams, may not persist when there are obstacles, may have negative thought patterns while performing the tasks needed to be done to achieve their dreams and may have negative emotional reactions while anticipating an event, or in the middle performing a task. Hence, she always finds herself wanting to fly but couldn’t. Finally, though Jenny had dreams of a good future, she did not have goals. According to the social cognitive theory, goals are those that â€Å"guide us in establishing priorities among rewards and in selecting among situations that enable us to go beyond momentary influences and to organize our behavior over extended period of time,† (Pervin, 1989, p.338). Jenny failed to establish her priorities and overcome the bad influences in her life and to have an organized behavior over a period of time. Hence, since attending an all-girl school, she has been involved in maladaptive behavior, such as getting into drugs, being with bad crowds, having suicidal tendencies, as well as having relationship phobia, among others. Process As a young kid, Jenny had been exposed to and directly experienced aggressive behavior from his father, and from the bullies who mistreated Forrest in her presence. And while attending an all-girl school, she might have had negative influences from peers, and these negative influences may have been accepted in her new environment. Having been introduced to an environment that gave positive rewards to bad behavior by means of acceptance, Jenny eventually turned out doing the modeled behavior. But more than just having been thrown in an environment that accepts negative behavior, the more important thing that could have contributed to Jenny’s maladaptive behavior is her lack of the ability to self-regulate. Self-regulation involves an individual’s ability to control their behavior rather than mechanically reacting to external influences (Pervin, 1989). If Jenny was able to self-regulate, meaning, she was able to process the influences modeled to her such that she was able to assign which behavior was socially acceptable, and which behavior was not, she could have prevented herself from succumbing to the negative influences modeled to her. According to the social cognitive theory, behavior is maintained by expectancies or anticipated consequences. Individuals learn to set appropriate goals for themselves, and reward themselves with self-praise, when they are able to model the behavior and with guilt when they fail to. Moreover, behavior is not exclusively regulated by external forces; there is a process of self-reinforcement through which individuals reward themselves for attaining the standards they set for themselves (Pervin, 1989). Jenny, who does not have goals in the first place, as mentioned in the structure section of this paper, also does not seem capable of self-regulating. Growth and Development As a result of her low self-efficacy, Jenny has developed a maladaptive personality which she learned through observation from models as well as through direct experience, having been brought up by a physically and sexually abusive father, and having witnessed and directly experienced aggression outside of the home; she was present when Forrest was bullied by the kids at school and, as a grown-up, been hit in the face by her boyfriend during an argument in a Blank Panther party. Jenny seems not to have become an aggressive person, but she developed maladaptive behavior. Her aversive experiences drove her to use drugs, develop phobia of relationship, and to attempt or contemplate suicide. Psychopathology Jenny’s maladaptive behavior is a result of dysfunctional learning —she has observed and directly experienced inadequate or sick models (his father and his peers) and maintained this kind of learning through reinforcement. Her exposure to and direct experience of inadequate models may have resulted in dysfunctional expectancies and self-perceptions. Her running away from Forrest who loves her and whom she professes to love may be indicative of a relationship phobia. It may be possible that she is reminded of her painful past which she might be trying to run away from whenever she is with Forrest. Or maybe she has developed fear of pain — fear of being ridiculed when with Forrest perhaps, or fear of the ghost of her painful past. According to the social cognitive theory, dysfunctional expectations and self conceptions have a great role in the learning of overt behavior, such that people learn, erroneously, to expect painful things to follow some events or to associate pain with an event (Pervin, 1986). In Jenny’s case, her developing a relationship phobia (with Forrest) may be caused by associating pain with being with Forrest, or expecting pain to happen by being with Forrest for a long period of time. Her incessant impulse to stay away from Forrest after brief encounters with him may be a defensive behavior to escape the pain she expects to experience or painful events she expects to happen when she is with Forrest. Change Toward the end of the movie, we see a new Jenny. She no longer exhibits maladaptive behavior, no longer runs away from Forrest, and is now able to confess her feelings. In the view of social cognitive theory, change in behavior happens when there is alteration in the level of and strength in self-efficacy. As the level of self-efficacy increases, a person’s behavior tends to change toward positive behavior (Pervin, 1989). At some point in her life (while Forrest was running across America), Jenny must have had acquired new thought patterns and behavior, and improved self-efficacy. This change in Jenny might have been brought about in part by maturation and her becoming a mother, but mostly by having new influences to model from. During that time in her life when change started to develop, she could have met new friends who modeled to her good behavior, in an environment that accepts that kind of behavior. She might have had systematic desensitization of her phobia; thus, in the end she is not only able to go back to the man she loves and with whom she has a child, but also ask him to marry her. Internal and External Factors Jenny’s personality is both a product of internal and external factors. Among the external factors that greatly influenced her personality include her father and the abuses he inflicted upon her; her aunt who took care of her when she was taken from her father; her peers in school and the people she came in contact with throughout her life; Forrest himself and the friendship they shared together since they were young children; and the events in the society they were born into. Compared with Forrest, Jenny is more involved with the events that shaped their country. The internal factors, on the other hand, include her thoughts about, feelings toward and perceptions of the people that she came in contact with and of the events that took place around her. Together, the external and internal factors have defined the person that is Jenny. Conclusion   Ã‚   Overall, when seen from the perspective of the social learning theory, Jenny comes out as a person who was not only screwed up by the environment but also by her inability to process her circumstances in a manner that could have enabled her to prevail over the sad events in her life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jenny’s greatest achievement is that she eventually prevailed over her maladaptive behavior toward the end of the movie. This change, from the point of view of social cognitive theory, is not impossible. All she needed is someone to model from — someone who has had similar circumstances like hers, but is behaving differently. She must have had at least one such model.    References Albert Bandura biographical sketch. (n.d.) Retrieved January 26, 2008 from Emory University, Division of Educational Studies Website: http://www.des.emory.edu/mfp/bandurabio.html Bandura, Albert. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: New Prentice Hall. Boeree, George C. (2006). Albert Bandura. Retrieved January 28, 2008 from http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/bandura.html    Pajares, Frank. (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy. Retrieved January 25, 2008 from http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/eff.html Pervin, Lawrence A. (1989). Personality theory and research. US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Social cognitive approach to personality: Albert Bandura. (2001, February 26). Retrieved, January 26, 2008 from http://condor.admin.ccny.cuny.edu/~hhartman/SOCIAL%20COGNITIVE%20APPROACH%20TO%20PERSONALITY%20ALBERT%20BANDURA%20 (1925).htm Social cognitive theory. (n.d.) Retrieved January 26, 2008 from http://www.infosihat.gov.my/Artikel%20HP/Social%20Cognitive%20Theory.doc Social cognitive theory. (2004). Retrieved January 26, 2008 from the University of Twente Website: http://www.tcw.utwente.nl/theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Health%20Communication/Social_cognitive_theory.doc/ Social Cognitive Theory. (n.d.) Retrieved January 26, 2008 from University of Wisconsin-Milwauke Website: http://www.uwm.edu/~vince/psy407/wwwcourse.407.lec20.soccog.handout.htm    The psychodynamic theory. (n.d.) Retried January 26, 2008 from Ryerson University Website: http://www.ryerson.ca/~glassman/psychdyn.html Tishe, S. & Finerman W. (Producer) & Zemeckis, R. (Director). (1994). Forrest Gump [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Craft Marketing Copy That Wins Over Your Dream Audience

How to Craft Marketing Copy That Wins Over Your Dream Audience It’s every business owner’s dream to work with their ideal customers. But most of the time, we’re stuck working with clients who are either a wrong fit or difficult to work with. Being able to attract your dream audience can make an amazing difference in how you work. It not only makes you more motivated but it’s also a healthy way to run your business. With that said, part of attracting the kind of people you want to work with lies in your marketing copy. When people go to your site, the first thing they’ll read about you is your message. When you convey the wrong things, you might receive interest from people who often don’t end up as customers or just aren’t a good fit for you. That’s why it’s important to be conscious in what you communicate so you get targeted business prospects that love what you do and whom you’d enjoy working with! Improve your copywriting with these free templates!Get Your Free Copywriting Templates Getting to Know Your Ideal Customers A crucial part of establishing the right message lies in who your ideal customers are. Never just assume who your likely audience is. You need to do some sort of market and competitor research  so you don’t have to go through numerous trial and errors. Don’t waste your time doing guesswork when it comes to your message. Follow the steps outlined below to make sure your message resonates with your dream clients! Discover and Understand Who Your Dream Audience Is One of the secrets of winning over your ideal customers is all about getting clear on the type of people best suited to you. That’s why finding who your best and true customers  starts with what you like. The best person to work with is someone who won’t just pay you handsomely (although that would be awesome as well), he or she should be a joy to work with as well. Once you know who exactly to look for, everything else just falls into place. But first, you have to start by being clear on who your dream audience is. This could either be a company or person you’ve worked with in the past, or even a fictitious persona you’ve just drawn up. Start by asking yourself: what kind of people do you (or would) enjoy working with? List out a number of traits or look back at past clients who you liked. Let me give you an example of one of my dream client profiles: My first deal client is a small to medium-size company looking to grow their sales. My person of contact wields a significant amount of decision-making weight. He (or she) can decide on copy matters without having to consult with a reviewing panel. He’s not afraid to try new things and knows what he’s looking for, which he makes sure to communicate clearly to me. Moreover, he values me as a crucial member of the team so my rates aren’t an issue. He knows the value of my work and frequently contacts me for any project he might need help in. Once he sees the results of the past projects, he continues to send work my way. The more detailed your customer profile is, the better. More than just adding a significant amount of details, you can also create more than one ideal customer profile. You can develop an ideal client profile similar to the above with just three steps. Here’s how: 1. Define yourself first to establish the attributes that make them ideal. If you know who you are as a person, you’ll most likely know the type of person you’d love to work with. Start with the usual key traits that show up whenever you’re working with a client or interacting with customers and base off from that. For instance, if you’re the independent type when working, you might prefer someone who lets you do your thing and won’t micromanage you. If you’re the kind of person who likes being heard, include in your customer profile that they need to be open to feedback and suggestions. If you have a non-negotiable stance on your rates, you can include that he or she is the type who won’t lowball your rates. 2. Define your customers’ basic details. Now that you’ve established the part about what makes them your dream customers, it’s time to determine the other details. You can start with the following details: Company size Industry Location (local or anywhere) Work role Online hangout places above are just some factors you can consider to start with. Feel free to add more if you think a detail is relevant enough to be included. 3. Don’t be afraid to delve deeper. The last step is the most crucial of all. You need to get to know them deeply to have an effective message they’d want to read. Get familiar with their needs and wants to make sure your message speaks to their innermost desires, needs, and problems. 6 questions to ask customers to improve your sales.You can ask the following  questions to start with: What do they like? What does he or she value the most when it comes to choosing someone to work with? What are their struggles? What are their most prominent beliefs and opinions? What do they aspire in their life and business? What keeps them interested? These are just a few questions to help you imagine who your likely ideal audience is. Once you have a distinct image of the kind of customer you want to attract, writing a message that speaks to them becomes much more manageable. You can also add other psychographic details such as education level, personality type, fave blogs, and political affiliation, among others. Including most of the above will definitely allow you to build a complete picture of who your ideal customer is. Once you have that, crafting a message that speaks to your target market will be a much easier task! Determine What Their Pain Points Are Now that you have a complete overview of your ideal customer, it’s time to zero in on their pain points. This is a particularly important part because crafting the kind of marketing copy that attracts is your dream audience is all about knowing their problems and needs. However, it’s important that you don’t make any assumptions about your audience during this process or your message won’t likely resonate with them. That’s why you should start by asking the right questions. Use focused and open-ended questions that will allow you to learn more about your prospects and their struggles. For example, if your target is small business owners looking to expand, you may ask them questions like: What has stopped you from growing your business so far? Why? What aspect of your business has taken the most time and money? Why? What’s your number one complaint about running your business? Why do you think it’s happening? If you noticed, the above questions sought to pinpoint a particular issue first and then the reasoning why that problem occurred or keeps on happening. This line of questioning allows you to get to the root of the problem and gain much deeper insights on how you can help them solve that particular issue. Another method you can do is to analyze how they interact online. Should you have limited or no chance to survey your ideal customers, you can look at the places they hang out on online such as social media  and forums. Some things you may want to look at are: What do they frequently ask about or discuss with others? What kind of information are they consuming? Are they frequent readers of marketing blogs or news sites? What can you glean from their online behavior? Do they spend more time on social media than any other platform? Why could this be so? The key here is to keep asking and asking until you get to the crux of their behavior. Maybe they’re on social media so much because they’re invested in the personal lives of others or are managing their business pages. You can then note the info down and see later on if it’s something you can use in your message. Whether you choose to engage with your ideal customers directly or analyze them from a distance- the important thing is to listen. Listening well will allow you to peel back the layers of their persona and what they’re struggling with. If you’re able to do that, you’ll be able to glean valuable customer insight that will allow you to speak to their inner desires and concerns. But don’t just resort to using your knowledge of your customers’ pain points to twist the knife and aggravate their pain. A more sustainable and non-icky route is to use it so you’ll know how to position yourself as the solution. Once you know what makes them tick, you’ll know the exact things they’re experiencing and would want to avoid. You can then use the information so you can figure out which pain points you can then help solve. From there, you can also figure out which desires you need to fulfill or fears of theirs you can help overcome which can be the basis of your business offer. Position Your Offer as the Answer to Their Pain Points This takes us to the next step which is to position your offer as the solution to their problems. You have to be able to convey how you can provide value in their lives and how you can help solve any of their particular pain points. You can include any of the following to position your offer: Name your target audience. It’s important that it’s clear to your ideal customers that your business is geared toward them. You can do this by naming them directly or characterizing them in your message. Here’s a great example by Lever: In their message, they make it clear that their target audience mainly consists of recruiters and hiring managers. Show them that you understand them. This is where your research comes in. Mention a specific issue they’re likely still struggling with and include that in your message. This conveys that you know them and are intimately familiar with what they’re facing. Toggl (image below) does this by including the line â€Å"Where did the time go?† For many of us, it’s easy to lose track of time and wonder how you spent it all along. The brand aptly addresses the said concern with the headline they used in their homepage. State your key benefit. For this part, make sure you include the most compelling reason why they should do business with you. Buffer does this below by stating that they can help you save time when it comes to managing your social media. Provide a context on how you can help them. To make your message more powerful, it’s not enough to mention a specific benefit. Take it a step further and provide an instance when your product or service can be valuable. This makes it easier for them to understand how your offer  fits in with their needs or problems. Shopify does this by stating that you can use their platform â€Å"whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the truck of your car...† It makes it easier for Shopify’s visitors to self-select whether the platform is suitable for them or not. Add your most compelling differentiator. It’s not enough to offer them the solutions they need, you also have to let them know what makes you different from your competitors. You can do this by mentioning a USP that fulfills a specific problem your core audience.Dreamland does this perfectly by stating that they’re â€Å"The only brand with the rights to use the patented Miracoilâ„ ¢ springs - the world's most advanced spring system to date.† Once most or all of the above are in place, you’ve now made a solid positioning that will grab the attention of your ideal customers! Here's how to craft copy that your audience will connect withCrafting Copy That Your Audience Can Connect With Now that you’ve got their attention, it’s time to craft your marketing copy in a way that your audience can resonate with. No matter how well you’ve positioned yourself, it won’t mean a thing if you can’t properly translate that into your message. That’s something you can accomplish through the below tips. Create the Perfect Hook Through Social Listening Leading with the right hook allows you to build on the interest of your prospects and encourage them to read more about your message. To craft the kind of hook that will win over your audience, it has to first speak to what they’re going through- specifically their wants and fears. You’ll know what those are by doing social listening research  that involves: Tracking mentions of your brand or business on social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) Checking out review sites on what customers are saying about your products or services (e.g. Amazon, Yelp) Analyzing your online metrics to see if there are any patterns or trends you should take advantage or steer clear of (e.g. increased traffic from Instagram, backlinks from bad sites) Doing the above can clue you in on the conversation that’s going in on their heads and what kind of words they’re using. The key here is to use the same words in your message so they can resonate with what you’re trying to convey. For example, if the primary concern of your ideal customers is self-improvement, use words that would tie in with that concept. Using words like success, purpose, transform, achievement,  and their variations to hook your target prospects is an effective way to cater to their deepest desires and needs. You might craft your hook like this: Transform your life and finally achieve the business success you’ve always wanted! Let me help you become more confident and proactive in building a business that aligns with your life’s purpose. Craft Boredom-Free Messages That Stick to Mind If you haven’t noticed, today’s web readers get bored fast. And bored people hop on to the next thing that will catch their attention. So once you catch your ideal customers’ attention, you need to be able to keep it with a boredom-free marketing copy that will stick to their mind even after they’ve finished checking you out. One of the ways you can do that is by writing conversationally. Why? Because people won’t be able to connect with your brand or business if you’re always talking jargon or doing a lot of â€Å"business speak.† That’s why it’s important to craft your marketing copy like how you talk. Use â€Å"you† a lot and don’t make the mistake of only talking about yourself or your business. Just like in real life, no one likes people or businesses that are always full of themselves. Your message should be about them and what they could get from you. Another way to keep your readers from being bored is to avoid marketing buzzwords. Using marketing drivel doesn’t add any value to your message and will only serve to make you sound hollow. Moreover, it makes you sound like everybody else which is the surest way to be thrown into the â€Å"businesses no one really remembers† category. The key thing to remember here is to just make sure your brand sounds real. If your brand is a reflection of yourself, incorporate parts of yourself that you want to show. Maybe you have a straightforward, no-BS approach way of communication, then make sure it’s evident in your copy. One particular example of a business that does this well is Firebox. It’s a fun, humorous brand that likes incorporating amusing takes on gift-giving. Check out their latest homepage copy: They tweaked their site’s headline in light of the Christmas season to let people know (cheekily) that the holidays is really all about the gifts. You don’t always have to use humor to make your message interesting. Just do most, if not all, of the above tips and you can make your brand appear more accessible and easier to connect to! Sell Without Using Hype Hype-based selling is all about using exaggerated tactics to fire up readers so they would be more compelled to buy. Although it’s common to see this type of tactic used on today’s marketing copy, it can easily backfire since you’re trading your credibility for short-term returns. It’s much better to go for a method that’s much more viable to use for the long run because it’ll help build loyalty toward your brand. A good example of a hyped up claim is, â€Å"If You Know How to Write, You Can Be a Published Book Author in 2 Weeks – Guaranteed!† As a writer myself, I know that it takes more than just knowing how to write to be a published book author. You have to have specific knowledge of what you’re writing about and be able to self-publish and market it or get a publishing outfit to help you distribute your book. More than just that, it would take more than two weeks to publish a book. The only way that kind of claim would be valid is if they’re churning out ready-made books for people to publish. This type of implausible claims can only appeal to those who are impatient for results and such people would likely drop you the second you fail to live up to your claims. If you’re looking for long-term customers who will stick with you, that isn’t just the way to go. Even without hype, you can write powerfully persuasive marketing copy  by tailoring your message to resonate with your ideal customers’ needs and wants. Because at the end of the day, conveying your value is still what seals the deal. Write With Specificity Including specific details in your message is another remarkable way to increase your credibility. It’s not only more believable but it also positions you as a knowledgeable source when it comes to that topic. Sharing specific data means you did your due diligence in advance so you can provide your prospects the right information to aid in their buying decision. Rev does this by sharing a statistic on their ad that they can tie in with their services. While in their caption, they provide a specific turnaround time (24 hours), their accuracy rate (99%), and their price per minute ($1). This goes beyond your standard spiels like â€Å"quick service† and â€Å"accurate work.† After all, people will have different definitions of what fast or accurate is so it’s better to be specific on the exact meanings of your claims. You can also apply the concept of specificity when it comes to your benefits. Just choose one specific benefit that has the most advantage for your target market. This helps your message to immediately resonate with them. TransferWise uses this method to  make  their home page’s web copy more compelling. They start out by stating how much exactly do banks typically charge when sending money (up to 5% in hidden costs) and that they’re actually â€Å"8x cheaper,† which means more savings for its users. By using the above tactics, your target prospects will be going, â€Å"This is for me!† in their heads long before they’re finished reading what you have to say! Converting Your Best Prospects to Lifelong Customers Now that you’ve managed to grab their attention and attract them to your brand, it’s time to convert them as lifelong customers. Once you’ve got good people looking at you, it only makes sense to have them on your team- for good (or as long as possible). Overcome Barriers to Purchase Most people don’t just buy on a whim. If it’s an especially big purchase, you can bet that your customers will likely take their sweet time thinking about whether to buy it or not. Converting your target prospects  into actual paying customers means you have to be able to pre-empt any concerns they may have about buying from you. A good way to do this is to reframe the cost of your offering especially if the product or service you’re offering is expensive. Cast your pricing in a different light by positioning the cost as an investment for them. Let them know that they’d only need to pay a high fee once and that they’ll be able to reap the returns repeatedly in the future. Or you can also break down the total cost to a much more digestible amount. For instance, if you’re offering a $30 monthly membership course, let them know that they’ll get to learn from your expertise for just $1 a day or for less than the cost of one Starbucks coffee. Whatever paints a better picture for your audience. Another way to make the buying process easier is to offer different price tiers  such as the one below: This is because not all costs can be reframed. That’s why in such cases, it’s better to just have a variety of pricing points that your audience can choose from. Lastly, take away the risks of buying from you. Offer a free trial or a money-back guarantee for a specific period of time. Using the above tips will definitely ensure a much smoother buying process to help your prospects become your lifelong customers. Get People to Act on Your Message with a Strong Call-to-Action  Copy What’s a superbly crafted message if it doesn’t compel your target audience to act? Now that all the other elements are in place, the next logical step is to move them toward a specific action. For that, you’ll need a call-to-action or CTA to end your message. Compelling calls-to-action prompts your prospects into engaging with your brand or website in some way. And for that you’ll need two things: a compelling button copy and a striking visual presentation.  Here’s an amazing example by HubSpot: In the above example, they ditched the standard â€Å"Sign Up† and â€Å"Free Trial† CTA copy for a more benefit-oriented one: †Convert More Visitors.† Moreover, they made sure the CTA button popped out by using the color green to contrast with the orange background.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Colorful History of Comic Books and Newspaper Cartoon Strips

The Colorful History of Comic Books and Newspaper Cartoon Strips The comic strip has been an essential part of the American newspaper since the first one appeared more than 125 years ago. Newspaper comics, often called the funnies or the funny pages, quickly became a popular form of entertainment. Characters like Charlie Brown, Garfield, Blondie and Dagwood, and others became celebrities in their own right, entertaining generations of people young and old.   Before Newspapers Satirical illustrations, often with a political bent, and caricatures of famous people became popular in Europe in the early 1700s. Printers would sell inexpensive color prints lampooning politicians and issues of the day, and exhibitions of these prints were popular attractions in Great Britain and France. British artists  William Hogarth (1697-1764) and  George Townshend (1724-1807) were two pioneers of the medium. Comics and illustrations also played an important role in the colonial U.S. In 1754,  Benjamin Franklin  created the first editorial cartoon published in an American newspaper. Franklins cartoon was an illustration of a snake with a severed head and had the printed words Join, or Die. The cartoon was intended to goad the different colonies into joining what was to become the United States. Mass-circulation magazines like Punch in Great Britain, which was founded in 1841, and Harpers Weekly in the U.S., founded in 1857, became famous for their elaborate illustrations and political cartoons. The American illustrator Thomas Nast became famous for his caricatures of politicians and satirical illustrations of contemporary issues like slavery and corruption in New York City. Nast is also credited with inventing the donkey and elephant symbols that represent the Democratic and Republican parties. The First Comics As political caricatures and standalone illustrations became popular in early 18th century Europe, artists sought new ways to satisfy demand. The Swiss artist  Rodolphe Tà ¶pffer  is credited with creating the first multi-panel comic in 1827 and the first illustrated book, The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck, a decade later. Each of the books 40 pages contained several picture panels with accompanying text underneath. It was a big hit in Europe, and in 1842 a version was printed in the U.S. as a newspaper supplement in New York. As printing technology evolved, allowing publishers to print in large quantities and sell their publications for a nominal cost, humorous illustrations changed as well. In 1859, German poet and artist, Wilhelm Busch published caricatures in the newspaper Fliegende Bltter. In 1865, he published a famous comic called Max und Moritz, which chronicled the escapades of two young boys. In the U.S. the first comic with a regular cast of characters, The Little Bears, created by Jimmy Swinnerton, appeared in 1892 in the San Francisco Examiner. It was printed in color and appeared alongside the weather forecast.   The Yellow Kid Although several cartoon characters appeared in American newspapers in the early 1890s, the strip The Yellow Kid, created by Richard Outcault, is often cited as the first true comic strip. First published in 1895 in the New York World, the color strip was the first to use speech bubbles and a defined series of panels to create comic narratives. Outcaults creation, which followed the antics of a bald, jug-eared street urchin dressed in a yellow gown, quickly became a hit with readers. The success of the Yellow Kid quickly spawned numerous imitators, including the Katzenjammer Kids. In 1912, the New York Evening Journal became the first newspaper to dedicate a whole page to comic strips and single-panel cartoons. Within a decade, long-running cartoons like Gasoline Alley, Popeye, and Little Orphan Annie were appearing in newspapers across the country. By the 1930s, full-color standalone sections dedicated to comics were common. The Golden Age and Beyond The middle part of the 20th century is considered the golden age of newspaper comics as strips proliferated and papers flourished. Detective Dick Tracy debuted in 1931. Brenda Starr the first cartoon strip written by a woman was first published in 1940. Peanuts and Beetle Bailey arrived in 1950. Other popular comics include Doonesbury (1970), Garfield (1978), Bloom County (1980), and Calvin and Hobbes (1985). Today, strips like Zits (1997) and Non Sequitur (2000), as well as classics like Peanuts, continue to entertain newspaper readers. But newspaper circulations have declined precipitously since their peak in 1990, and comic sections have shrunken considerably or disappeared altogether. But while papers have declined, the internet has become a vibrant alternative for cartoons such as Dinosaur Comics and xkcd, introducing a whole new generation to the joys of comics. Sources Gallagher, Brendan. The 25 Best Sunday Comic Strips of All Time. Complex.com. 27 January 2013.Harvey, R.C. Outcault, Goddard, the Comics, and the Yellow Kid. The Comics Journal. 9 June 2016.Jennings, Dana. Old Breakfast Buddies, From Tarzan to Snoopy. The New York Times. 9 January 2014.History of Cartoons and Comics. CartoonMuseum.org. Accessed 8 March 2018.Cartooning: Political. IllustrationHistory.org. Accessed 8 March 2018.